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IBM 5802 SFF SAS Drive And PCIe Card Enclosure

Update Terakhir
29 / 02 / 2020
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


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Detail IBM 5802 SFF SAS Drive And PCIe Card Enclosure

IBM 5802 12X I/O Drawer PCIe, SFF disk

  • 18 SFF disk slots
  • 10 PCIe slots
  • 4U 

IBM 5802 provides a 4U high I/O drawer containing ten PCIe slots and eighteen SAS hot-swap Small Form Factor disk bays. This drawer attaches to the central electronics complex via 12X DDR cables (#1862, #1864, or #1865). When SFF disks are installed, they are driven by at least one SAS PCIe adapter and SAS AT cable (#3688). Using a mode switch the 18 SFF slots can be configured as one group of 18 slots (AIX/Linux) or two groups or 9 slots (AIX/IBM i/Linux) or four groups of 4 or 5 slots (AIX/Linux).

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