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Communication PCI Two Line Adapter Card

Update Terakhir
07 / 03 / 2020
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


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Detail Communication PCI Two Line Adapter Card

IBM 2745 supports up to two multiple protocol communications ports when one or two (in any combination) of the following cables are attached: #0348: V.24/EIA232 20-Ft PCI Cable, #0349: V.24/EIA232 50-Ft PCI Cable, #0350: V.24/EIA232 20-Ft Enh PCI Cable, #0351: V.24/EIA232 50-Ft Enh PCI Cable, #0352: V.24/EIA232 80-Ft Enh PCI Cable, #0353: V.35 20-Ft PCI Cable, #0354: V.35 50-Ft PCI Cable, #0355: V.35 80-Ft PCI Cable, #0356: V.36 20-Ft PCI Cable, #0357: V.36 50-Ft PCI Cable, #0358: V.36 150-Ft PCI Cable, #0359: X.21 20-Ft PCI Cable, #0360: X.21 50-Ft PCI Cable, #0365: V.24/EIA232 80-Ft PCI Cable, #0367: Operations Console PCI Cable. #2745 is supported in both low and high-speed slots by removing the base LAN card from the base system unit. #2745 can be ordered with either one or two cables. #0367 is used to support the Operations Console function on CPU Models supporting logical partitioning (LPAR) (V4R4 and later). A maximum of one #0367 Operations Console PCI Cable is allowed per #2745.
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