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Kap 4/8Gb Qic 1/4 Inch Tape Drive Internal

Update Terakhir
07 / 03 / 2020
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


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Detail Kap 4/8Gb Qic 1/4 Inch Tape Drive Internal

IBM 6382 4GB 1/4-Inch Cartridge Tape 
.76Mbps Data Rate
IBM 6382 is a 1/4-Inch Cartridge Tape Unit (QIC). For FC #6382, #6482: Properties: Native: 4.0GB at 380KB/sec, Compression: 8.0GB at 760KB/sec. Provides a growth path for older 150s. May be used for save/restore, alternate IPL, program distribution, migration, and l/4-inch cartridge tape exchange. Although this unit has backward read/write capability to previous generations of QIC drives, it does not support the S/36 QIC-24 tape format.
The 4.0GB 1/4-Inch Cartridge Tape Unit uses the following cartridges.
DCSLR5 4.0GB QIC - PN 59H3660
C9250 2.5GB QIC - PN 16G8436
konsol game
DC6150 120MB QIC - PN 21F8578
DC6525 525MB QIC - PN 21F8587
DC9120 1.2GB QIC - PN 21F8732
1/4-Inch Cleaning Cartridge - PN 46G2674
1/4-Inch Cleaning Cartridge Kit - PN 21F8570
The QIC-4GB-DC Data Cartridge cannot be used in the 120MB, 525MB, 1.2GB, 2.5GB, or 13GB drives. For FC #6382: This drive is an optional feature to replace the l/4-inch cartridge tape unit included with FC 018x and 019x packages if S/36 compatibility is not required.
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