IBM 6383 16GB 1/4-inch Cartridge Tape
1.5MB Data Rate
IBM 6383 is a 4.0GB 1/4-Inch Cartridge Tape Unit (QIC). Properties- Native: 1.5MB/s, 16GB Capacity (1500 foot tape), 13GB Capacity (1200 foot tape). Compression: 3.0MB/s, 32GB Capacity (1500 foot tape), 26GB Capacity (1200 foot tape). May also be used for alternate IPL, program distribution, migration, and l/4-inch cartridge tape exchange.
Will read/write:
16GB/32GB QIC5010 format with MLR1-16GB Data Cartridge PN 59H4175
13GB/26GB QIC5010 format with DC5010 Data Cartridge PN 16G8574
2GB/4GB QIC5010 format with MLR1-2GB Data Cartridge PN 35L0589
Will read:
4GB/8GB QIC4GB format with SLR5-4GB Data Cartridge PN 59H3660
2.5GB/5GB QIC2GB format with DC9250 Data Cartridge PN 16G8436
harddisk internal